Collaborative online platform

30% less time in the process of searching and allocating transports

Discontinue phone conversations and email exchanges to complete a shipping order. The platform automates a large part of your activity and provides you with the necessary framework for more productive activities. You can generate transport contracts, reports based on the data entered by the transport operators and you can exchange documents necessary for the delivery process.

Organizes and manages groups of carriers according to the contractual conditions

CargoPlanning allows you to work with your favorite carriers. Create groups that you can easily manage; quickly add or remove carriers from the private network. You have access to a real history of the execution of the transport contracts on the basis of which you can establish the following contractual terms

Real-time reporting and feedback for transport partners

The companies you work with will receive real-time feedback about their offers. You will be able to view the status of a shipment at any time and you will be able to extract quantitative reports necessary for business decisions.

Network of carriers and forwarding companies

Solid network of carriers and shipping companies

CargoPlanning is a community of shipping companies and carriers, with diverse portfolios and ready to offer solutions to your demands. All our registered partners are legally and financially audited to ensure the security of the platform and its operations.

Transparent allocation and bidding process

The online bidding process ensures transparency in the network collaboration process. Each carrier knows on which block an submitted offer is ranked or why it was not chosen as a collaborator for a certain delivery.

Accessibility at any time

The platform can be accessed from any device (phone, tablet and laptop), which allows you to easily contact your employees or check the status of a shipment.

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